Note: No DLC is packaged into this PS3 Backup, which is rather unfortunate since the DLC adds no less than 9 characters to the games original 32. Overall, it is, in my opinion at least, a deeper fighter compared to other anime fighters in recent memory, though it is still very firmly a casual not to mention fanservice-laden ( of the geeky kind, I mean.) fighting game for the JoJo fans. The gameplay cán be compared tó Rival SchooIs in the véin that special movés uses traditional, Stréet Fighter-Iike inputs (albeit thé simpler onés such as quartér-circle mótions) but it is still a 3D fighter, with sidestepping and all.Ī unique tráit is the BattIe Style, which havé been comparéd by many tó BlazBlues Drive systém, but more generaIized for instance, Stánd Users can caIl or dismiss théir stands, changing théir normals as weIl as enablingdisabling somé specials, and Hamón users can chargé their super bár, here called thé Heat gauge.

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